Sir Isaac Newton's Mathematical Problem Solved
A German 16-year-old has become the first
person to solve a mathematical problem posed by Sir Isaac Newton more
than 300 years ago.
Shouryya Ray worked out how to calculate
exactly the path of a projectile under gravity and subject to air
resistance, The (London) Sunday Times reported.
The Indian-born
teen said he solved the problem that had stumped mathematicians for
centuries while working on a school project.
Mr Ray won a
research award for his efforts and has been labeled a genius by the
German media, but he put it down to "curiosity and schoolboy naivety".
"When it was explained to us that the problems had no solutions, I
thought to myself, 'well, there's no harm in trying,'" he said.
Mr Ray's family moved to Germany when he was 12 after his engineer
father got a job at a technical college. He said his father instilled in
him a "hunger for mathematics" and taught him calculus at the age of
Mr Ray's father, Subhashis, said his son's mathematical prowess quickly outstripped his own considerable knowledge.
"He never discussed his project with me before it was finished and the mathematics he used are far beyond my reach," he said.
Despite not speaking a word of German when he arrived, Mr Ray will this
week sit Germany's high school leaving exams, two years ahead of his
Newton posed the problem, relating to the movement of
projectiles through the air, in the 17th century. Mathematicians had
only been able to offer partial solutions until now.
If that
wasn't enough of an achievement, Mr Ray has also solved a second
problem, dealing with the collision of a body with a wall, that was
posed in the 19th century.
Both problems Mr Ray resolved are
from the field of dynamics and his solutions are expected to contribute
to greater precision in areas such as ballistics.